Veilige schoolomgevingen: een toepassing van het Intervention Mapping protocol om het kijkgedrag van basisschoolkinderen aan voetgangersoversteekplaatsen te beïnvloeden

Universiteit Hasselt
In deze scriptie is onderzoek gedaan naar veilige schoolomgevingen en het ontbrekende kijkgedrag van kinderen bij het oversteken van de straat. Volgens het Intervention Mapping protocol is een korte verkeersles gemaakt om dit kijkgedrag te verbeteren, maar die lijkt zonder praktijkbegeleiding van ouders weinig zinvol. Ouders moeten dan ook meer met hun kinderen het verkeer ontdekken op de fiets of te voet.
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De Belangen van de Levenden en de Doden in het Theater van Toshiki Okada

Universiteit Antwerpen
de Waard
This thesis examines Okada Toshiki’s Ground and Floor and Time’s Journey from the perspective of
post- and nonhumanism, especially in the vein of those dead. Within the various strands of post- and
non-humanism, the focus is on ghosts, especially as described by Jacques Derrida - who coined the
term “hauntology” - and by Mark Fisher, who applied the term to his theory. Post- and nonhuman
philosophy have the potential to inspire creative, innovative and effective ways of re-thinking the
human that surpasses mere humanist self-hatred. By staging ghosts and drawing attention to
nonhuman others, Okada’s theatre fits within this project. I would like to propose that the ghost can
be used as a metaphor within a more fruitful post-anthropocentric worldview. This would be a
Hauntoloscene, a world in which we gain spirit by recontextualizing our relationship with what is not.
The figure of the ghost allows the past to be brought into the present.
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Assessing the impact of interzonal migration on travel demand in Flanders using an Activity-based model.

Universiteit Hasselt
  • Muhammad
Following the considerable attention of activity-based models in transportation planning and forecasting, and the necessity to understand and reveal the impacts of transportation policies, this paper aims to simulate and examine a population policy scenario. It explicitly uses FEATHERS, a demand-side activity-based model, operational for Flanders, Belgium. The ABM is required to estimate how the interzonal migration of Flanders’ population from small towns/villages to large, urbanized city areas will closely affect the daily activity-travel choices of the individuals. A current baseline scenario is executed alongside three migration scenarios that account for a spatial redistribution of the population (2%, 5%, 10%) with equal proportions. Results suggest an impact on mode choice during peak hours, with a significant shift from car as a driver to public transport. Besides mode choice, there is a considerable decrease in the total number of trips. As a result, the total vehicle kilometres travelled, and total vehicle hours travelled reduce remarkably. While on the contrary there is hardly any effect on the activity choice.
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Prototype of a Mobile Public Transport Travel Assistant

Universiteit Hasselt
Proof-of-concept van een mobiele app die je stap voor stap begeleidt tijdens het nemen van openbaar vervoer, en alternatieven biedt in geval van vertraging of andere verstoringen.
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