De boetvaardige Maria Magdalena binnen het international caravaggisme

Universiteit Gent
Contextueel onderzoek naar de beeldvorming rond Maria Magdalena binnen het caravaggisme. Het onderzoek focust op de invloed van politieke en religieuze conflicten op de zeventiende-eeuwse schilderkunst en de beeldvorming rond vrouwen in de vroegmoderne tijd.
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'Because were enemyes to them and their gospell': A Comparative Study of English Catholic and Netherlandish Protestant Exiles in the Second Half of the Sixteenth Century

Universiteit Gent
Ketters, terroristen en armoezaaiers: Engelse katholieke en Nederlandse protestantse ballingen in de zestiende eeuw“It is knowne in England that our nation hathe bene begged for in sermons, and this is divulged there in pulpites to shewe in what state the King of Spaine’s English pentioners do live here, as also what a great punishment of misery is now laid uppon us because we are enemyes to them and their gospell. And the matter is lyke shortly to be amplyfied in bookes and ballets.
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