Scriptiebank overzicht

De Vlaamse Scriptiebank is een vrij toegankelijke online databank. Deze bevat alle artikels en full text scripties van deelnemende bachelors en masters aan de

Reinventing the shopping trolley for young adults: a user-centered design approach to improve the experience of urban, car-free grocery shopping

Universiteit Gent
De thesis richt zich op het ontwikkelen van een gebruikersgerichte oplossing om de winkelervaring van jongvolwassenen te verbeteren en hen aan te moedigen om zonder auto boodschappen te doen, met behulp van een gebruiksgerichte ontwerpmethode.
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Het ontwerpen van een composiet vouwfiets om de gebruikservaring van pendelaars te verbeteren

Universiteit Gent
Deze thesis toont aan hoe de studie omtrent een product en het herontwerpen van een product vanaf nul, in deze case study een vouwfiets, tot een disruptief ontwerp kan leiden dat het gebruiksgemak en de gehele gebruikservaring van stakeholders kan verbeteren. Dit gebeurt door een User Centered Design methodologie toe te passen en te vertrekken vanuit gebruikerstesten in de correcte context.
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Multitasking on the go: an observation study on the Brussels public transport

Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Tan Dat
Nowadays, performing multitasking activities on the move has become more and more popular. Such propensity has increasingly attracted lots of attentions from scholars. In this streamline, the thesis is to explore how multitasking activities are performed in different modes of public transport (PT) in Brussels city, and whether they are affected by the demographics, distance and level of crowdedness factors. In addition, it looks into the way and how PT passengers interact with their information and communication technology (ICT) devices. Structured observation is used to conduct the survey of 1216 PT passengers (on bus, tram and metro) in May 2016. The result shows, on the one hand, that the length of the journey and demographics have significant impact on passengers’ decision to multitask. On the other hand, it proves that the frequency of using ICTs not only being influenced by demographics, but its relationship with the transport types is also moderated by crowdedness level. On top of that, a comparison with a previous study which adopted a different methodology but in the same context is conducted both to confirm the reliability and validity of this paper and to give an insight about Brussels public transport and its users’ multitasking tendency.
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Are Sigh conditioned responses

KU Leuven
Iedereen zucht wel eens. Voor de meeste mensen is dit zo een normaal deel van de ademhaling dat er niet over nagedacht wordt. We weten al dat zuchten een resetter functie heeft voor de ademhaling. Maar toch gaan mensen soms op vreemde momenten zuchten. Kan men leren zuchten?
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The Impact of Culture on Web Design

KU Leuven
The Impact of Culture on Web Design.Case Study: Belgium and RussiaCulture determines everything we do. It is a software of our minds (The Hofstede Centre). Our own values, judgements and decisions are influenced by the conditions we are raised in, our parents and society. Members of different cultures face the same troubles and challenges in their life. What differs is the way they solve the problems and pursue their goals (Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner 6, Csikszentmihalyi 78). The difference of the approaches affects the products.
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Positive Impact With Community Currencies

AROUND THE CORNER: A single decision for a better climate We know by now that human activity is the main driver of global warming. To keep life on earth bearable we should stay below 2°C warming. If we don’t, the climate becomes more extreme and droughts and floods more likely. It probably seems as if you cannot make a big impact, but knowing your piece of the cake can help. When you want to do your part you should invest about €250  per year up to 2020 which adds up to €1.250 per person. Next to these investments you should aim to reduce overall emissions by 30% within the same time frame.
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