Scriptiebank overzicht

De Vlaamse Scriptiebank is een vrij toegankelijke online databank. Deze bevat alle artikels en full text scripties van deelnemende bachelors en masters aan de

Using Digital Trace Data to Generate Representative Estimates of Disease Prevalence [COVID-19 Infections] in Belgian Municipalities

KU Leuven
Is it possible to predict the area-level prevalence of COVID-19 infections in Belgium by
analyzing self-reported symptoms on Twitter? This research project is about generating
estimates of the incidence of COVID-19 infections, at the municipality level, by using
Multilevel Regression Post-Stratification (MrP) to account for sampling biases in the social
media sample. At first, tweets are obtained from users based on keywords derived from
previous research, e.g., tweets mentioning fever, cough, loss of taste, fatigue, etc. Then, key
demographic and geographical features of interest are extracted using the M3 deep learning
pipeline, as well as simple self-reported characteristics, effectively transforming the
unstructured twitter sample into a survey-like object. Finally, based on these demographic
features and census characteristics, a mixed effects logistic regression model with
post-stratification according to the Belgian census is proposed to forecast the number of
infected individuals on a particular day. This study intends to contribute to the proof of
concept of a complete end to end pipeline to perform real time predictions of disease
prevalence at a granular level in a population using social media data.
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Contemporary Nigerian-based Piracy: An Assessment of the Harms

KU Leuven
This research set out to systematically and empirically assess the harms of contemporary Nigerian-based piracy across multiple bearers and interest dimensions. To do so, an innovative harm assessment framework, developed by Greenfield and Paoli (2013) was employed. The assessment framework, a multi-step exercise comprised of distinct analytical phases and processes, required the articulation of business models for each of the primary modes of Nigerian-based piracy, the identification of possible harms and bearers, the evaluation of the incidence and severity of actual harms, the rating and prioritization of harms and finally, investigating potential causes of the identified harms. To do so, a mixed-methods approach was employed relying on both primary and secondary data sources. Methods included an extensive literature review, content analysis of over 400 piracy incident reports and semi-structured interviews.
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Het Centaur Project, onderzoek naar de praktische haalbaarheid van de UD-opia

Universiteit Hasselt
De Geyndt
Robbe De Geyndt, Architecture, University of  HasseltAbstract Master Thesis, submitted 9 February 2015:Het Centaur Project, onderzoek naar de praktische haalbaarheid van de UD-opiaThe aim of this thesis is to investigate and identify a possible alternative for the well-known, but unfortunately still failing concept of the Utopia within the borders of the architectural working field. Next, this alternative, the UD-opia, will be looked at critically to explore its sustainability and practical feasibility.
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Iranian Homosexuals; Social Identity Formation and Question of Femininity

KU Leuven
Iranian homosexuals; social identity formation and question of femininity[1] Iranian society and its cultural traits have remarkably changed over the last century, mainly during the late nineteenth and the early twentieth century when the country went through a modernizing process and after the Islamic Revolution based on Shi’a ideology where gender and sexuality issues were central to both movements.
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Moderne Navigatie. De beste stuurlui staan aan wal. Fictie of realiteit?

Hogere Zeevaartschool Antwerpen
Moderne Navigatie
De beste stuurlui staan aan wal. Fictie of Realiteit?
Iedereen kent wel de uitdrukking ‘de beste stuurlui staan aan wal’. Maar in deze verhandeling gaat het niet zozeer om de figuurlijke, dan wel om de letterlijke betekenis van het spreekwoord.
In een tijd waarin talloze werkprocessen computergestuurd worden en zowat alles van op afstand bediend kan worden, kan men zich inderdaad afvragen hoever we nog verwijderd zijn van het ogenblik dat ook zeeschepen van aan wal zullen bestuurd worden.
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Diachronisch onderzoek naar de bewaringstoestand van begraven menselijke resten in de bodem van het Vlaamse Gewest

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

In welke grond wil u begraven worden?
Ongetwijfeld hebt u zich al eens afgevraagd wat er na de dood met uw lichaam onder de grond gebeurt. Iedereen kent wel het beeld van krioelende maden die zich te goed doen aan ons vlees. Maar wist u ook dat de ontbinding van uw lichaam in hoge mate beïnvloed wordt door de bodem waarin u begraven ligt?
De Duitse overheid stelde al enkele jaren geleden de vraag naar de relatie tussen de bodem van een kerkhof en het vergaan van begraven lichamen. Op bepaalde begraafplaatsen bleken sommige lichamen haast niet te vergaan.
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